18. Node

Node.js Crash Course by Traversy Media

Backend JavaScript environment

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment on the backend. It was voted to be the most popular technologies in 2022 and is one of the most sought-after skills in the job market.

Course Content

  • 1:18 - What is Node.js
    7:42 - NPM
    10:16 - Install Node.js
    20:05 - Module Wrapper Function
    22:50 - Path Module
    28:50 - File System Module
    38:00 - OS module
    41:25 - URL Module
    47:00 - Event Module
    50:00 - Logger With Event Emitter
    56:00 - HTTP Module
    59:00 - Create a Server
    1:24:55 - Deploy to Heroku


▶️ Traversy Media
🔗 Node.js Tutorial by W3Schools


17. Axios


19. Express